2008 – 2013
“Toshiba Youth Conference for a Sustainable Future was an annual 8-day-program since 2008 until 2013, which brings together high school students and teachers from Japan, Poland, Thailand, and the United States to encourage the students to deepen their awareness of environmental issues and to take the lead in their communities in working toward a better future. The purpose of the program also was, to enhance the teacher’s ability to promote environmental, scientific, and intercultural communication education.”
High School Students from Four Countries Discuss Sustainable future in the Camp
Toshiba International Foundation (TIFO) was founded in 2008, aiming at increasing the opportunity for young people in the world to consider about the future of our society and Earth.
Throughout whole week of the program in summer, participants from all countries made out “Act Eco Journal (English Ver.)” by developing their understanding of sustainable society, brushing their opinions, and overcoming the language and cultural barrier.
For today’s youth, the bearers of the next generation, global environmental issues are closely connected to their own future. This program provides the opportunity to think, discuss and collaborate with solutions for environmental challenges we face today. Our aim is to help the youth develop skills that can help create a better future by working with one another. The program also assists the deepening of intercultural understanding and to explore ways that contribute to global society by working together with cultures across nations. Teachers, who play a crucial role in instructing the next generation, also benefit from the opportunity, interacting and learning from one another. The conference aspires to bring an ideal contribution to the improvement and understanding of science, the environment and intercultural relationship.
Theme: “Achieving Harmony with the Earth”
Climate change, ecological destruction, global population growth and economic problems…
These are the problems that lie before us awaiting solutions. How can mankind secure a sustainable future with the planet? Horrendous disasters such as the earthquake in Japan and the flood in Thailand two years ago, are daunting reminders that need to be sought-after in order to achieve harmony with the Earth. With these issues in mind, participants will be encouraged to understand existing problems and to learn about inspiring ways to find solutions for the environment.